
Membership in Grass Valley 4-Wheelers is open to any owner of a four wheel drive vehicle interested in light to heavy 4-wheeling. Our members drive Toyotas, Jeeps, Nissans, Fords, Chevys, and the occasional Isuzu.
Guests and the general public are always welcome to attend monthly Club meetings to learn more about the fun and camaraderie of off-roading GV4W style. See our Meetings page for more information.
For information on joining the club, please see our Joining page.
Additional Information:
Club Bylaws (revised August 2023)
Standing Rules (revised November 2021)
Club Officers (February 2022)
Standing Committees (May 2001)
HAM Frequency used during Club runs is 146.535
We have adopted the Snake Lake and Gold Valley trails in the Tahoe National Forest. A regular year will see 2-3 trips into the Gold Valley area near Sierra Buttes to perform trail maintenance. Check the Calendar and Trip Reports to get an idea of Club activities.
Recent years have seen the club supporting Kids by providing transportation for special needs individuals to Camp Nejedly held at Hawley Lake, CA.

Other activities include supporting the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs with the Sierra Trek and Winter Fun Fest events and fund raisers.