Thank you to everyone who made this a GREAT day!

In Attendance:

Brian P (Leader)
Ron and Pat (Leader), Scott, Tracy and Elizabeth (Guests)
Jim L
Brandy Elizabeth and Mike
Donna and Homer O
Lisa N
Tom B
John N and Jim Lawson
Aurora and ? Husband
Jim G and Annie
John F and Curtiss T
Martin W
Karen B
Hill and Gary B
Kathy and Richard
Rob, Katie and Willow
Mike B and Connie
Mike and Joanne
Steve N

From Pat:

 We left Wendy’s about 9:15 headed up Hwy 20.  Brian was leader . Took Omega rd then turned left on Alpha rd. Stopped at Alpha Diggins to air down. We traveled into Washington. Ron took over lead. We Took Relief Hill Road all the way to North Bloomfield. There were many vista points along the route. The leaves are just starting to change color. Darn it!  Set up tables and stoves. Thank you all for contributing to the lunch. So delicious!  Donna and Homer WON the CHILI contest. After lunch about 1:30 some headed to Nevada City some headed with Brian and Martin to Spanish mine. Ron and I headed home. We had such a great time. Weather was great.



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