Delegate Meeting:
We had close on to 50 attendees. Lots of business discussed.
Chili Cook Off:
Lisa took 1st place with a wonderful Beef Chili.
Donna took 2nd place, also with a Beef Chili.
Although not an official award, honorable mention goes to Jim & Patti's BBQ Bison Chili.
Run Attendees:
Had 10 rigs for run.
Gil and Anita
Gordon and Maureeen
Johnny and Jenna
Kevin and Audra
John and Lori
Lou and Scott
Jerry (guest)
From Brian:
Had another great afternoon wheeling the hills around us. Was hoping for rain to knock down the dust, but only a few drops on windshield. Left from North San Juan. Went up through Pike to Mountain House, down Sandusky Trail to Forest City, up to Alleghany and to Foot Crossing, then down to Edwards Crossing for air up.