Trail crew:

Frosty (Leader)
Ron De
Eric L
Mike H
Curtis T
David P

19 participants

From Frosty:

We met at Henness and Ridge Road, then went further up the road to a dry spot to air down and do the safety inspections. We had to leave by 9:00a.m. as to not hold up the Siberian Express run. We made it up to FS98 where we turned down the hill, crawling forward to make room for the Siberian Express group that were continuing up Henness pass. As we where getting ready to go, we got a call from the Siberian Express group that 2 late participants would be coming up behind us. However, we couldn't wait as our group was ready to go, so Ron De stayed back at the cut off and waited for them to join in. As the main group continued on we found some good snow with a few rigs needing help. We made it to 98 and Henness Pass Road. We stopped and had lunch and played in the snow. The two rigs that were late found it hard to keep going, so Ron and Eric help them through the harder areas. When they got there they had a late lunch. We then decided to start heading to the mountain. When we got to the corner of Henness Pass and 98 Bottom, one of the rigs had an engine belt come off twice because the power steering pump had oiled and ruined the belt. We put a call out on radio for an extra belt. As luck had it, someone had one. We put it on and off we went. We aired back up but the road out was iced over. At the very bottom two jeeps hit the snow bank. One jeep spinning around and one jumping over it. We were off the trail by 5:00p.m.  As we headed down HWY49 one of the Diablo 4wheelers had a battery problem and his jeep stopped. We pulled over to see if help was needed but he needed a tow. We arrived at the fair grounds by 6:00p.m.

Everyone seems to have a good time on the run. Special thanks to the crew. We couldn't have done it without you.

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