The Blizzard Crew pre ran Blizzard to see the effects of last weekends storm.

Ran up Forest 21 to Forest 50 (had good coverage by the time we hit Forest 50). We did the Grave winkle, and had lunch at the clear cut just prior to Bowman Lake road. At 6000 feet we were still getting light rain, and some ice during lunch.  Had a short lunch to get Charlie out a little early, exited down through Graniteville and Malakoff Diggins.

Even though there was good coverage almost all the way back to Malakoff, snow was wet and slippery. At one point while climbing up the Grave winkle, ! lost traction on the climb and slid about 60 feet back down the hill on the snot snow, forcing Brian to take action to avoid me sliding into him.

Believe we will be avoiding the off-camber section on Forest 50 past the upper Forest 50alt intersection. It will be a little dicey for the group on Saturday (Anita had to close her eyes.)

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