We now have Forest 21, and Forest 50 completely broke through and Granitville to Forest 41 open. Trail is NOT broke beyond Forest 41 junction.

Attending (9 Rigs):

Gil and Anita
Art and Vicky

From Jim:

Wow, had a great but long Pre-run, getting off the trail at 6:45. 

We went in through N Bloomfield, and Graniteville up the Bowman Lake Rd and had lunch a junction Forest 41. After lunch we returned to Forest 50 to start breaking down the hill hoping to break down to where we had broke up to in previous pre-runs (about 2.2 Miles down). 

Again we were met with many trees to remove and some challenging snow, Also had a large (about 34") tree to remove that we knew of as well that took about 1.5 hours to whittle at before could winch the major stuff out of the path.  

Charlie, Bob, and Joe were a big help breaking through and at one spot we were all out digging a path to keep us on trail instead of sliding off the trail and down the mountain. Richard had the pleasure of a rapid air down when he broke a bead on the way out.  Over the weeks we probably removed over 20 trees mostly on Forest 50.

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