In Attendance:

Jim T (Leader)
Brian P
Reg (with Ron riding)
Eric (prospective) with Wife and 4 Puppies.

From Jim T:

This Saturdays run turned out to be a great and challenging day.  Had 9 fairly well equipped rigs head up the hill, passed the Grave on the F50 wrinkle for the new guys. Then confidently headed up F50 to bust through to Bowman Lake Rd. WE DID NOT MAKE IT.  Had a few very good obstacles we managed, stopped for lunch (in T shirts) at a Bowman Lake overview. Then the deep soft snow conditions push back hard (less than 1000 feet/hour, even for our extreme equipped rigs).

Back up to the F50 and on to an F21 wrinkle that includes the fairly extreme drop into Poor Man Creek, (this is one way as once you drop in, there is presently no going back, and lots of fun watching first timers drop in) then under a downed tree that we were anxious a few of our taller rigs would fit (the Toyota touched but fit) then out to F91.

Up F91, and down through Graniteville, up to the Spanish Mine trail, then down Spanish Mine and back to Washington with about half of us stopping at the Washington Restaurant and Bar to enjoy their Patio on the Yuba River.  

Great day for all.   

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