The historical run was associated with an overnite stay at Schoolhouse Campground near Camptonville.
In Attendance:
Jim and Shirley B (the first)
Jim and Leslie C
Jim and Melodie L
Jim and Carol B (the second)
Jim G
(note: being a Jim is not a requirement for club membership)
Gary and Debbie
Homer and Donna
Mike and Joanne (yay, they got their overnight in!!)
Ron and ET
Richard and Kathy
Frosty and Curtis (guest)
Aurora and Kerry
Kevin and Audra
Gary and Jill
From Jim C:
We had a great turnout for the historic run on 5/11. Jim B (the first) led us on a great narrative run. Major stops were: Our House Dam on Middle Yuba River that I forgot the name, stamp mill at Kanaka Creek, and through German Bar ending up on Graniteville Road. There were lots of great drive by sites including the woman that wants to road closed by German Bar. Martin talked with her and she was quite pleasant and asked that she gets a call or text when a big group is using the road.
From Jim B (the second):
I was fascinated by the story of the tunnel from Our House dam to Oregon Creek. The following link shows that the Lohman Ridge Tunnel moves water to the reservoir behind Log Cabin Dam on Oregon Creek. From there, the Camptonville tunnel moves water the rest of the way to New Bullards Bar Reservoir. The purpose of the tunnels is to keep water flowing to the New Colgate Powerhouse.