Crew Members:

Gil L and Brian P
Scott J
John N
Homer O and Austin
Tom B
Jim and Carol B
Brian P
Curt T (guest of Frosty)
Brandy D

From Brandy:

Good morning, Wheelers!

The group met up at the Indian Springs OHV staging area at 7 AM and prepared to check in the group and depart by 9 AM. We had nine participants, whom we sent up the hill with crew and Frosty as trail leader, while Gil, Brian, and I waited at staging for stragglers. We figured traffic/road construction may have been an issue; one participant broke down, and at least one participant thought check-in would begin at 9 AM. 

While Signal Peak is considered moderate, it constantly changes, and a couple of obstacles tend to hang up in the group every year. To ensure a smooth experience for participants, Homer and Austin staged at the big rock, Jim and Carol at the off-camber area, and Scott and Tom at the granite hill for spotting. The Forest Service has blocked all bypasses for this run, but with great spotters and trail work, the granite hill proved just a fun obstacle for almost everyone. 

All participants reached the top without trouble; some hiked to the stone house while others took pics and talked with each other during the break. Everyone was in good spirits and seemed to be having a good time. Around 12:00 we began the trek back down to staging. The group returned to staging close to 2 PM, and everyone aired up and headed out. We received a lot of good feedback about the run and there were many smiles all day.

I want to thank the Signal Peak crew, who stepped up in a big way both for trail work and the event, especially when it really looked like I was not going to be able to attend. I have so much appreciation for the sense of community, the camaraderie, and the leadership these particular men provide. Every one of them is a joy to work with and an asset to our club. 

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