WFF 2022 GV4W Frostbite Extreme Crew:
Homer Reg
Jim and Leslie
Jeremy and Austin
John & Friend
From Homer:
Well, WFF is Over!
It will go down in the books as "The Best One I Have Been On!", also "The Best Crew and Group Ever!"
Special Thanks to Josh, Jeremy and Glenn for hanging behind to help Harry get fixed and continue the run. A BIG thanks to Harry for running in front and getting some GREAT pictures. Guests were Awesome...Best Bunch EVER!
We had a beautiful day and good trail conditions. Lots of stuck Jeeps! What more could you ask for? All in all, a great Run and some Great New Friends Made. One More Thanks to Kevin, a Mendocino 4x4 member, who fixed a Broken Crew Jeep...That Club rocks!!
Thank you to all participants and Crew for your Help....made all our work worth it! And my Crew made my Day!
Until Next Year!!!